Saturday, July 16, 2011

Fabulous Giveaway over at French Country Cottage

     Hello World!  My new friend, Courtney is having a wonderful giveaway over at French Country Cottage.  She was fortunate enough to meet Fifi O'Neill in my old California stomping grounds...the wine country...sigh.  Fifi O'Neill has a new book out called Romantic Prairie Style.  Fifi does not disappoint.  Any of you that happen to follow her blog Chez Fifi will know this.  Courtney got a signed copy of Romantic Prairie Style and will be giving it away at French Country Cottage. So, pop on over to Courtney's wonderful blog to enter for your chance to win a signed copy of Romantic Prairie Style.   Betty Lou (that's my Mom, isn't her name fun to say...say it out loud and sing the Lou, you'll be glad you did), you'll like this giveaway!  Do your Saturday chores, go to French Country Cottage, and then go out and have a great day!  Remember to be kind to one another!

Just a fun little picture of a French costume courtesy of The Graphics Fairy.

***This giveaway is now closed.***

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  1. You are so sweet!! Thanks so much for posting about this!! Make sure to leave separate comments on my giveaway post for this entry and for your tweet so you will your extra entries!! Good Luck and love your moms name too btw!! :)

  2. Should read ' so you will HAVE your extra entries... missed the HAVE for some reason! :)
