Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Before and After Wednesday

Hello World!  For all of you just itching to rip out your kitchen and start over, enjoy this wonderful renovation from Life & Home at 2102.  Here we go:

I know, pretty, right?  Let the inspiration roll with a side by side.  Be ready to be amazed. 

Absolutely beautiful!!!!  Vel did an amazing job with all of the changes and updates.  You must pop on over to Life & Home at 2102 to get the complete scoop on this stunning space.  Thank you Vel for sending this to us. 

Now, the rest of you, if you have any before and after projects that you would love to get featured, email them to and in the subject line, please put Before and After Wednesday.  It can be any before and after: gardening, furniture redo, room makeover, complete renovation, sewing repurpose.  Anything with a before and after.

***Also, send me your Fall decor projects please, as well as any holiday Before and After, even from the past will do.  For example:  wreath creations, centerpieces, decor.  Just make sure there is a before pic of the "naked piece" (naked table to fabulous tablescape, naked Christmas tree to decked out beauty, naked wreath to beautiful filled in wreath) get the picture.  I'm compiling a file for the upcoming holidays so that we have a ton of inspiration to see us through the seasons on Before and After Wednesday.***

And, if you haven't added your inspiration yet, Make it Pretty Monday is still live.  Click here to head on over.  And, don't forget Anything Blue Friday for all of your blue AND PINK inspiration.  Click here to scooch on over to that party.  And, last, but certainly not least, if you missed the top 4 Fan Faves from last week's party, click here to pop on over to the Sunday Showcase.

Have a super fantastic rest of the day and remember to be kind to one another!  Fear Not!


Sharing this with these lovely parties:


  1. Aaaaaahhh! Thank you so much for the feature Kathryn!!!!! Appreciate so much, have a great day!

  2. Oh yes, Vel's kitchen is amazingly gorgeous!!! She did it with such fabulous taste and perfect confort for their daily life...and keeps adding new practical and pretty things! I adore her kitchen redo! Big hugs Kathryn!

  3. Oh, my! What a gorgeous kitchen redo. Even with all the money in world I would never have the vision to make a redo so beautiful.
    Be a sweetie,
    Sheila ;)

  4. I love seeing these transformations! They are stunning!
    Happy Hugs,

  5. Wow! That is just gorgeous! I would kill for a kitchen upgrade like that!

  6. As always, totally inspiring! I love the transformation from yellow to white! I tried to convince my husband to go white when we redid our kitchen, but we ended up with black. It's easier for the cleaning service, but I love the brightness of white!

  7. Oh my goodness, what an amazing transformation!

  8. Wow what a great kitchen makeover! We are redoing our kitchen right now and I can't wait for it to be done! I came over from the Daily Blog Boost! Pinning this!

    Emily @ Love, Pasta and a Tool Belt

  9. That is almost unbelievable! Wow!!!!! Thanks for sharing!

  10. I love her kitchen and have followed every step of the transformation!

  11. The yellow was not very attractive at all. The white cabinets look so fresh and bright and contrast beautifully with the dark pantry and island cabinets.. Love it! .... Candy

  12. Such a gorgeous makeover! There's nothing like having a kitchen you enjoy. :-)

  13. BEAUTIFUL!!! Looks like a totally different space!

  14. Your kitchen makeover is so amazing. I love everything. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  15. just spectacular!

    thanks for sharing
    at Fridays Unfolded!


  16. This kitchen renovation is so beautiful! I love how light and modern the new kitchen is. It's amazing the difference new cabinets make!
