Friday, March 23, 2012

Joy in the Morning

Hello World!  I know, another spur of the moment post.  What am I coming to?  My thought for the day:  Joy does come in the morning!  And, what a pleasant sight I had as I poked my head outside this morning.

May your joy rise today like the balloon in flight!  Be happy, content, and full of love.  For the one who loves you the most will give you the desires of your heart.  As you seek Him first and His kingdom, you will find true joy.  The kind that busts out of you!  The kind that makes you squeal and do a happy dance for no apparent reason.

May your Friday be filled with joy as we embark on another weekend.  The balloon is rising.  Is your joy?

I told you the writing muse would hit.  Took a pretty balloon for the words to flow.  Anyhoo, thank you for the visit.  Have a grand day and remember to be kind to one another. 


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Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. Thank you for the good wishes and wise words. Right back at you...have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Very sweet words,the same to you and your family. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Joy lives in the simple things. Nothing ever truer was said. God bless x

  4. If that is not the coolest thing...too see a hot air balloon flying over your head. We knew a couple who had one of these. I would have been petrified to get in one because I am afraid of heights. Joy comes when we least expect it. Carpe diem!

  5. The hot air balloon is fun and seeing one always makes me smile! Seems you don't see those as much as you used to. At least I haven't seen many in the recent years. They look like they would be fun to ride in, though I am terrified of heights and am sure I would be terrified out of my mind if I actually got inside one of those!

    Thanks for linking to my party this week.

  6. my daughter lives in Albequerque,NM and one of the treats visiting there are the many balloons that you see over head each morning. Thanks for the words of wisdom.

  7. It's such a treat for me to see a hot air balloon floating overhead when I'm outside, enjoying the views of my flower gardens. There's just something calming about seeing a hot air balloon!

  8. What a treat in the morning. There is nothing like a hot air balloon. I am loving this fabulous post. Would you mind sharing this inspirational post at our WIW linky party. Hope to see you there!


  9. When I used to live in San Martin (California) I would often see balloons taking off from the airport across my street. Loved it! Thanks for the happy reminder and the happy words :)

  10. Joy does come in the morning! And what a thrilling sight! I appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  11. What a neat photo! So glad to have you at Things I've Done Thursday!

  12. Love the encouragement! I'm thinking this could be a happy dance kinda day! Thanks for sharing! Blessings! D

  13. How fun was that! My boys would have loved seeing a hot air balloon! Thanx for coming to the party and that your weekend is going well. This weather is beyond amazing!!

  14. We absolutely love hot air balloons! Just beautiful! We loved having you link up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." Please join us again next week! Thanks! -The Sisters

  15. I needed to hear these words today, thanks for the encouragement, and for sharing at Sunday's Best Par.tay.

  16. Beautiful! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  17. So thankful that even if weeping endures for the does come in the morning. Thank you for reminding us!
