Monday, September 26, 2011

The Gallery Wall

Hello World!  You remember a couple of weeks back when I mentioned I was working on a gallery wall?  Well, it's up on the wall!  Can I get a whoop?  Good Lord!  This took a major chunk of time.  I found out the more tired I get, I can't hit a nail into the wall straight if my life depended on it.  Here is the gallery wall in all her little glory. 

Now let's look at where we began in the voice studio.  

The first step was to move the desk.  Yes, I know I said it looked like poop in front of the window, but, I pushed and pulled that mother back to the spot in front of the window while the Dedicated Husband was at work.  The Dedicated Daughter was perched on the piano bench and in her little loving voice said, "Mommy, you need to wait until Daddy can help you.  It's too heavy".  It's a Pottery Barn desk and she is quite the load.  I lightened her innards a bit and used my hips and quads and got her moved.  Also, moved the bookcase.   I was slightly sore after that one.  

 Let me refresh your memory on a couple of items that are making their appearance on the gallery wall. 

Here they are reworked in some white paint. 

These little lovelies that I bought at Goodwill for a song, reworked into their lovely whiteness found their way to the gallery wall.  Can you spot them?

 This picture was taken back in my performing days.  The role was Sweet Sue in Sugar based off of Some Like it Hot. 

Here is one of the frames that I painted white.  The picture is a snapshot of the doors surrounded by limestone leading into the chapel where we got married.  

Home Goods mirror I picked up on sale for $20.00.  

The Reis embroidery is my Great Aunt's last name.  She was an awesome woman who encouraged me to reach for the stars, but work hard to get there.  The picture frame with me and the Hubby, I got at Home Goods for $2.00.  Yeah, I picked up all they had.  

Here is a photo of my Great Aunt when she worked at the Pentagon.

Picked this up at Home Goods for $10.00.  

Recognize the frame?  This is one of my Goodwill goodies.

One of our wedding gifts. 

My sweet little girl at 2 months.  Sniff, sniff. 

So, what do you think?  Have you done a gallery wall lately?  I'm sure I will be tweaking this one in the future.  But, right now, my mind is on a chest I bought.  Hopefully, you will see her soon.  That's it for today.  Come back soon and be kind to one another.  


Sharing at these lovely parties:


  1. I just love your gallery wall! I think I either have a collage of photos or mirrors in every room. It's a great look. :)

  2. Great post. I enjoyed getting to know you a little bit with your gallery wall. You sound like an amazing woman with strong women who led the way in your background. Your daughter is a lucky little woman to grow up with you showing her the way! Thanks for stopping by, I enjoyed the visit!

  3. I love it! All the memories you have up there are great. Very inspiring. I'm your newest follower. :)

  4. It's so fab! I love love love the overall shape of it, great job!

  5. It looks great! I love how everything centers on the mirror. The smaller frame you painted with the chapel door in it looks just link an Ikea frame that I have and I was sure that's what it was when I saw it in the linky party. You'd never know it was repurposed! Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. Oh wow this turned out beautifully! The home goods find might be my favourite! Love it all though :)

  7. Hello Kathryn! This is amazing - You've done a spectacular job! Love the photos - of you and hour husband your sweet daughter and your inspiring aunt! A great gallery wall! You have truly inspired me!~
    Thank you for sharing with A Return to Loveliness!
    God Bless,

  8. Kathryn - I love it!
    Yes, I have my mind on a gallery wall in my house...I'm starting to collect frames :-).
    Yours looks great. Very inspiring.
    Thank you for stopping by Project Queen and linking up today!

  9. Thank you all my little lovelies for your sweet comments! It was a chore to do, but everyone who has seen it has loved it. Toodles, Kathryn

  10. Hi kathryn. Well, came over here from Jenny @ Simcoe street and almost instantly fell in love with your everyday chronicle and your gallery wall. I love the wall stand with your photo on it. I must say it has come out very very pretty. Grabbing a button right away.


  11. What an awesome display!! I would love to have something like that in my home! :o)

    Thank you so much for linking up to Make Yourself Monday and adding my button!! <3

    For Love of Cupcakes

  12. I love all the different sizes, shapes, colors and textures of your gallery wall. We are contemplating doing one on a wall that needs an update..Maybe that will be a good project for this winter!

  13. Looks good! I hung a gallery wall in my hallway and it took me forever! I don’t know about you, but it took me a long time to decide on the layout. And now I’m adding to it, so I’m hoarding frames for gallery wall round 2!

  14. Kathryn- thank you so much for putting Katherine's button in your sidebar.
    That means the world to me!

    I have a gallery wall on my list-
    you've inspired me!

    White Spray Paint

  15. I love the wall Kathryn, and I can't believe how many gorgeous frames you were able to find and refinish. They really make the wall look special. I particularly like that cute little shelf! No I don't have a gallery wall, but you've got me thinking! Your approach of getting a bunch of frames first is the best way of approaching this project. I would have gathered all the images together first and then been frustrated that I had no frames!

  16. I love it - it turned out great! I have been wanting to do a gallery wall, but haven't yet. It is on my to do list. Great job!

  17. Oh I love this! I'm want to do something similar for my hallway - I've just got a giant personalised picture from my parents to kick-start it!

    So jealous that you managed to get that ornate frame so cheap! Every one I look at is so expensive!

    Jenni xx

  18. It looks great! And now I have major door envy. How gorgeous is that door in your painted frame?

  19. LOVE it! All the different sizes, shapes and colors blend so seemlessly! You did wonderful, tired or not! :)

  20. love it! one of the best gallery walls i've seen!

  21. You deserve a HUGE woo-hoo! Great work. You made so many different elements work together beautifully.

  22. Loving it! Your pictures look fabulous! Thanx for coming to party! Have a wonderful evening!

  23. one word WOW! I love your gallery wall. I'm sure that took a lot of work, but the results are well worth it. I love it. Great job.........

    The French Hutch

  24. Boy, did you ever liven up that wall! It looks fabulous, Kathryn! I hope hubby appreciated all the hard work it took to make that space a beauty. ;)

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday again this week.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  25. Your gallery wall is so beautiful! You have a gorgeous selection of frames. Kudos!!

  26. I just saw your post on Treasure Hunt Thursday; and had to come over and take a peek! Love your gallery wall! I am a newbie to blogging and your newest follower. I hope you will follow back! Many blessings to you!

  27. I love gallery walls and your has come together beautifully! I love the sentimental pieces such as your aunt at the Pentagon and the embroidered piece made by a great aunt.

  28. I love it! It looks absolutely fantastic and I cracked up about trying to put a nail in the wall when you are tired...been there, done that! :-) Thanks for sharing this at Inspiration Friday this week~

  29. Kathryn, Your gallery wall turned out beautiful! It is nice to have all these wonderful memories framed and to look at every day. Congrats on a great job and thank you for linking to the Open House party.

  30. what a fun
    and pretty way
    to include your memories
    in your decor

    i love the little stories
    behind each photo and
    your family is adorable

    thanks for sharing at fridays unfolded!


  31. So nice! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!


  32. Love the gallery wall. Yu have a great mix there.

  33. What a beautiful gallery wall with your treasured photos on it! I have a gallery hall with pictures of the kids as they have grown up! Thank you for linking it to Home Sweet Home!

  34. love this wall! It looks great! Thanks so much for linking up to Tuesday Talent Show! I would love to have you stop by and link up again tomorrow with more great projects!

  35. I don't have a single photo hanging on any wall. :( sad, but true.

    Your wall looks great!

  36. Oh my goodness, this is SO impressive! I love the amount of thought & effort that went into it. So much love, and it shows! Perfect, really! Thanks so much for sharing this @ Show & Share!

  37. I think your gallery wall is just fabulous! I especially love the "sing" plaque! Glad I found you:") God bless x

  38. What great finds --- thank you so much for linking!

  39. One of the first things I notice when I visit a friend's house is the state of the walls. I personally dislike plain white walls (I don't live in a prison cell, after all), and am interested in how people choose to decorate theirs. I sometimes come away with a new idea for my own house, which I then try to incorporate as soon as possible.

  40. Thank you for the link to your awesome wall gallery. I have just pinned it to add to my inspiration. I love all the different elements.

  41. This is such a cool, eclectic gallery wall. I LOVE it!

  42. What a gorgeous collection of frames! :)

    Shannon @ Sewing Barefoot

  43. Very pretty gallery wall! So many beautiful memories, too. :-)

  44. I love a great gallery wall! Thanks for sharing it at my Twirl & Take a Bow Party! I'm your newest linky follower. Have a great day!
    House on the Way

  45. I adore your gallery wall! I really like that you mixed things up -- makes it absolutely charming!

  46. Love your gallery wall, I wish I had a space to do that. Great GW frames you found too:)
    Thanks for sharing at the Cabin!

  47. So many memories grouped in your gallery. The wall looks great!


  48. Love this! You did an amazing job! Angie xo

  49. Love this! Looks great! Love finding frames at thrift stores and making them pretty again!

    Jenna @

  50. Your collage looks great. I completely understand the hammer thing. But look how pretty it looks. I love a collage.
    The French Hen's Nest

  51. Aha. I left your blog after sending you an email. Then discovered the reason I might not have been able to post this comment. Came back to your blog and my comment is still here, waiting to be posted. So, I'll try posting it. I think I did this the last time I was by your blog. Go figure!
    Dropping in by way of Liz's Time Travel Thursdays. Haven't been by in quite a while - blog still looks great!
    Love your wall - I know what you mean about moving things, hammering things and all that but it worked out beautifully! Love all the different goodies included on your wall. And the various angles/mirrors, etc., you used in photographing it. All very nicely done! Kudos! (Now rest?)
    Thanks, Jenn

  52. It’s a new Linky Party to create more buzz for your blog and connect with others! If you haven’t joined Creative Crafts Thursday yet, please share your projects at each and every week and check out what other creative divas are up to.

  53. Visiting from the Sundae Scoop Link Party- and pinned. :)
    I love your wall- it looks like it probably took forever to get everything looking perfect!
    I also really adore the picture of the church doors from your wedding.

  54. This is so beautiful! I love the shape of the display.
    I'd love for you to come over and share at Finding the Pretty & Delicious Linky Party!

  55. Well done! I love gallery walls. And your paint color is gorgeous. What color is it? I just finished a new gallery wall myself:

  56. Your gallery wall looks fabulous!!! This is on my long to do list but I haven't been brave enough to tackle it.

  57. The wall looks great, worth all the time and effort! Thanks for sharing the inspiration.

  58. WOW!!! The wall is PERFECT!! Way to go!

    Thanks for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality! I'm looking forward to seeing what you share tonight!
