Saturday, August 13, 2011

Blue and White Find at Goodwill

Hello World!  The other day when I was in Goodwill I spotted this little beauty for $7.99.  You know how I practically swoon for anything blue and white.  Didn't really care for some of the artificial flowers, but the container was what caught my eye.  Love the birds, butterflies, and flowers.

After getting her home and taking a closer look, this is what I found.  Another container inside that was holding all the artificial flowers.  I'm sure I can come up with a use for this little cutie.

After cleaning her up a bit, I planted two plants together that were not doing well.  They look a little sad, but hopefully with a new location they will perk up and fill out some.

 My ever present kitty, Camille checking it out.

She ended up in the voice studio, but I can't quite show you a wide shot yet.  The voice studio was one of the rooms that got a new paint job.  Walls and ceiling!  Anyhoo, check back later for more little additions and remember to be kind to one another!

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  1. Love the blue and white container. Can't go wrong with that and what a deal.

  2. So nice to meet you. Glad you found my blog. Love your goodwill find, and great deal too. COme and join in on my newbie party. I host every Monday and it is a great way to meet NEW bloggers like yourself.

  3. I love Goodwill and blue and white! Great combo!

  4. the blue and white! Great find! Regards to Miss Camille from my staff! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  5. Nice find!!! And I loooove the cherries on your blog background too! :)
    Thanks for stopping by BPPackages today!!

  6. Hi Kathryn,

    What a beautiful blue and white planter. Two for the price of one. The pattern is lovely!

    All the Best,

  7. Great deal. You got a two-fer. Always love classic blue and white.

  8. Beautiful find! I'm a big fan of blue and white as well and your container is looking sooo pretty! Thanks for your sweet comment on my summer garden and for following me. Would love to see your fall harvest...Have a lovely evening!Happily following you back~Poppy

  9. Hi Kathryn - what a great find! Love the colors of the vase/jar...very pretty. Thanks for stopping by and visiting...I'm your newest follower too! Happy Monday!

  10. Hi Kathryn, love the blue and white - you can never go wrong there! Also loved the Blue Italian in the previous post - one of my favs! I'll be back! Linda

  11. Thanks Linda for popping in for a visit and your sweet comment!

  12. Super goodwill find...I rarely ever find anything like that around here!

    Linking from Mod Mix Monday,
    Ricki Jill

  13. LOVE blue and white too. Have a Pinterest board dedicated to it:) I posted "chalk board table" and "Americana Chic" to creative blog hoppers Tueday. See what Goodwill item i found for my kitchen:) Following you now. Follow me too at

  14. What a fabulous find. Love the blue and white cache pot, such a great treasure. Thanks tons for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  15. Love the pot! Did your plant ever perk up after you put it in there? Thanks for sharing your thrifty find at Gettin' Krafty!

  16. How creative! I found you through DIY Dreamer. I hope you will come share at this week's Farm Girl Blog Fest. Lisa/Fresh Eggs Daily

  17. Such a great find!!!!!! LOVE IT!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!

  18. Good Afternoon Kathryn, I adore blue and white and I love your plant pot. Isn't it exciting when you find something you love for just pennies. I have found you via Savvy Southern Ways and have become a new follower. Sending you best wishes from England....Daphne

  19. Wow! That is the perfect piece for in your dining room! Thanx for joining THT!

  20. Love finding cheap good things :)
