Saturday, November 2, 2013

New Camera and Bar Paint

Hello World!  This past week I finally got a new camera, the Nikon D7000.  I took a ton of pictures around the house to get the hang of it.  I thought I let you see some of the almost raw pictures.  The day I took the pictures the forecast was 100% rain and rain it did.  So, I had to brighten up a couple of the shots, but I was pleasantly surprised how little I had to brighten them.  Anyhoo, I'll just let them roll. 

 I didn't enhance the color at all in this picture.  This is how vibrant the pictures are straight out of the Nikon D7000.

This is the first picture I took using my little constant companion, Cozette.  

Oh, and btw, I painted the bar the same color as the chest in the dining room.  I will be getting white countertops and the cabinets will be painted as well. Probably after the holidays.  Oh, no, I just realized.  I need to dust.  The 50's called and they want their housewife back.  

My little blogging buddy.  

China Hutch objects taken through glass. 

Her gazing spot. 

The sun finally came out after Little Dedicated got home from school. 

Sorry Mom, this was such a good pic of you, I just had to use it.  

My fun loving peacock that would not stand still.  So, pardon the blur which accompanies these next shots.  It was near impossible to get her to stand still.  

She is definitely a little poser. 

Love this one.  Such a grown up look in her eyes. 

My baby. 

So there they are.  What a great camera.  Horrible lighting conditions, mediocre camera operator, very few edits, and amazing camera.  All shots were taken in the aperture mode except for the one where Little Dedicated had her back to me.  This one was in Auto as you can see the shadow from the flash.  

I hope you enjoyed my day with my new camera.  Thank you for popping in for a visit.  Anything Blue Friday is shaping up nicely.  Click here to pop on over to join in the fun.  Have a delicious day and remember to be kind to one another!  Fear Not!  


Sharing this with these lovely parties:


  1. Oh goodness, I just love the peacock costume and the adorable kitty! Yay for a new camera :)

  2. These are great pictures, I really need to learn how to use my new camera. Thanks for sharing!

  3. What wonderful pictures! I love your cat :) Thanks for sharing on the DBB!!

  4. Cute kitty!!!! :) My cats are my little blogging buddies, too. :)
    Have fun with your new camera!

  5. I have the same camera and LOVE it!

  6. The first thing I noticed when I got my Canon was how much better it functioned in poor lighting than my old camera. Have fun playing with it!

  7. Your pictures are all fabulous and that is such a cutie in her costume. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, marty

  8. Hey Kathryn,
    Great pictures. The kitten and your daughter are so cute. Thanks so much for sharing with Wednesday's Adorned From Above Link Party.
    Have a great week.
    Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above

  9. What a beautiful family...Kitty and home. So glad you linked up with Twirl and Take a Bow! ~Tammy

  10. So excited for you - you'll truly enjoy your new camera! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  11. Wow, your camera is awesome! Drooling over the color! LD makes an adorable peacock!
